Get to know Phaff Export Marketing
Founded in 1991 by Victor Phaff, Phaff export Marketing started operating as a consultancy focusing on export promotion within the food and agribusiness industries. Victor’s extensive experience as a marketing manager at the Dutch Potato and Onion Marketing Board fueled his passion for promoting food and agricultural products, serving as the start of the company.
After serving as the Managing Director of Phaff Export Marketing for three decades, Victor Phaff has transferred ownership of the company to his daughter, Rosanne Phaff. Since 2022, she is the owner of Phaff Export Marketing.
Worldwide export experience
Almost half a decade later, we have realized many successful trade missions and product introductions in the EU market. We have recently moved closer to Amsterdam (Almere, NL) and have acquired a fixed staff of enthusiastic professionals.
Export support is our core business, with the European Union as our home market. We work for governments, export boards as well as private production companies. We have built an impressive network with buyer contacts in the retail, import-export trade, food processing, and foodservice.
What do we do? We make sure that our clients connect with the right buyers and markets.

International focus
Until 2009, most activities were concentrated in countries within the European Union. Since then our activities have increasingly shifted towards countries outside the EU.
Organizations & authorities
Today, we predominantly find our clients within the EU, with an increasing amount of regular clients in Canada and the USA, both government and private organizations.
Private companies
In addition to export promotion for organizations and authorities, we also launch campaigns for private companies. Besides, Phaff Export Marketing carries out market research, quick scans, product promotion and product introductions for a wide variety of businesses.
Major accounts
A number of big organizations we have carried activities out for are:
- Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs
- SUSTA, Southern U.S. Trade Association (Export Promotion 15 Southern States)
- RVO, Dutch government agency for international entrepreneurship
- Ministry of Agriculture / Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuur & Voedselkwaliteit
- CBI, Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries
- WUSATA, Western United States Agricultural Trade Association (Export Promotion 13 Western States)
- ACOA, Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, Canada