Victor Phaff was involved in a market study about horticulture in Uzbekistan, on seeds and seedlings in Uzbekistan. This market study focused on three horticultural subsectors; vegetables, potatoes, and fruit. This market study was commissioned by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Moscow, Russia. Victor Phaff conducted this market study in cooperation with Carl Rentes of CR Management Consultancy.
This market study about horticulture in Uzbekistan is conducted, since Uzbekistan is reforming its economic and agricultural policies and is prioritizing the development of the horticultural sector. The country is well-known for its delicious fruits and vegetables and its entrepreneurship and has enormous potential to become a key player in the production and export of horticultural products, as well as value-added food products.
The Uzbek government has developed a new agricultural strategy for 2020-2030, that is aimed at reforming the horticultural subsector (i.e. potato, vegetables, and fruit) into a modern, export-oriented sector.
Dutch expertise
The Netherlands has a lot to offer on high-value seed potatoes, vegetable seeds, young plants, and fruit trees, besides, modern and innovative technology, and last but not least knowledge transfer and practical training. Based on this it was decided to conduct a further market study on the plant propagation sector to identify the needs of both public and private sectors in Uzbekistan and match these needs with the required Dutch expertise.
The study was conducted through a combination of desk research and field research in Uzbekistan. Victor Phaff supported Carl Rentes as the potato expert. The core team was supported by local experts from the company Agrohouse.
The outcomes of this market study are a starting point for better market entry for Uzbek and Dutch private companies in Uzbekistan, and the outcomes are an identification of measures recommended to be taken by the Uzbek authorities in order to remove the possible obstacle and create a transparent business environment in the seeds and seedlings sector.
The market study on seeds and seedlings in Uzbekistan describes the structure of the sector, the latest developments, trends, and organization of the sector. It describes the governmental institutional structure, procedures, policies, and legal framework. Besides, the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for each subsector are described. To conclude, bilateral subsector cooperation is recommended, both business to business and knowledge transfer.
In all three subsectors, similar opportunities were found related to added value growth, export potential, yield, and quality improvement potential. The threats and weaknesses, however, are significant: water scarcity; lack of local disease-free high yielding seeds/plants; insufficient business environment, and legislation, absence of private sector development, and knowledge gaps.
After researching the market, a strategy scenario was built for each subsector: an opportunistic scenario, a more defensive scenario, a scenario to mitigate the weaknesses, and one to work around the threats.
The ambitious reforming agenda for Uzbekistan's agricultural sector is well recognized by the multilateral banks, which could provide an entry point for the Netherlands to target cooperation and knowledge sharing the sector. This report aims to identify fields of mutual interest. Based on the analysis, a set of potential bilateral projects has been identified and could be the starting point for long-term cooperation between the countries.
Presenting the report
On the 10th of March 2020, the report was presented to the Ministry of Agriculture in Uzbekistan. The report was handed over to the Ministry by Mr. Meeuwes Brouwer, the Dutch Agricultural Attaché in Moscow.

Now this report is published, we are more than happy to share this with everyone that is interested in this market study.
The findings on this market study can be found in the report which can be downloaded here. If you would like to receive the report in high quality, or if you have any questions regarding the market study, please do not hesitate to contact us.